Uzbekistan Law Blog

New administrative liabilities by Uzbek Parliament in 2024

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Tolib Rakhmonov Image source: This blog post will explore the recent changes in administrative liability in Uzbekistan, focusing on several key issues. Specifically, it will delve into the newly introduced regulations regarding the distribution of food, clothing, and other… Continue Reading →

Issues of improving the institution of parliamentary investigation in Uzbekistan

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Tolib Rakhmonov Image source: Introduction Within the framework of separation of powers, Parliament plays a significant role in regulating the most important public relations. The Oliy Majlis (Parliament), in addition to passing laws, also monitors their implementation. The procedure… Continue Reading →

Exploring the Boundaries of Sexual Harassment in Judicial Practice

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source:  Sexual harassment is a form of unwanted behavior that is usually targeted towards women, violating their rights and causing feelings of distress, fear, humiliation, or offense. It wasn’t until the enactment of LRU-829 in 2023… Continue Reading →

Should Uzbekistan adopt the Code of Private International Law?

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Tolib Rakhmonov Image source: 1. Introduction The modern world is rapidly developing, and it is impossible to imagine it without global integration. Uzbekistan, like many other countries, seeks to establish mutually beneficial economic relationships with developed countries. In a… Continue Reading →

The Legalization of Gambling in Uzbekistan: A Critical Analysis

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Abdulaziz Janturaev Image source:  The legalization of gambling in Uzbekistan has been a topic of intense debate in recent years. The government has made several attempts to regulate the industry, including the brief legalization of betting shops in 2019,… Continue Reading →

Analysis of Judicial Practice: Is There Liability for “Liking” Religious Content on Social Media?

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source: In recent years, Uzbekistan’s population showed a growing interest in acquiring religious knowledge, by exercising their Constitutional rights to profess any religion and seek, obtain, and disseminate any information. However, there have been several cases… Continue Reading →

A Deep Dive into a National Anti-Corruption Strategy of Uzbekistan

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source: Introduction Corruption is one of the primary issues of every country that destroys their economy, exacerbates social injustice, erodes people’s trust in authorities, and, most importantly, results in a perception of lawlessness. In addition to… Continue Reading →

Tadzhidinov v. Azamova: Grounds For Exclusion From LLC Membership

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source: Exclusion from a limited liability company S. Tazhidinnov (plaintiff), a participant of a limited liability company, applied to the (appellate) court with a demand to exclude S. Azamova (defendant) from the company’s membership on the grounds… Continue Reading →

Attorney Boom: How The Lifting Of The Ban On Part-time Work Will Change The Legal Landscape In Uzbekistan

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Sayidkomil Ibodullaev Image source: Advocacy institution in Uzbekistan being not the most popular area of career embark on comparison to other government or non-government bodies though, numbers of attorneys are rising gradually within the Uzbek legal market. One may… Continue Reading →

Overcoming Barriers: Protecting the Labor Rights of Pedagogues from Forced Labor and Docked Salary

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source: Teachers in Uzbekistan were often victims of forced labor and various labor violations, such as salary withholding for school improvements and involvement in tasks unrelated to their professional duties. While the Labor Code of Uzbekistan… Continue Reading →

The Deepfake Dilemma: Safeguarding Society Through Regulation

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source: In 2023, the Ministry of Internal Affairs alerted citizens of Uzbekistan to a case of cyber fraud involving a deepfake video featuring Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov. Attackers used artificial intelligence to process video sequences with… Continue Reading →

Affirmative actions: Promotion of Women’s Rights or Social Injustice?

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source: Advocting for women’s rights are an essential aspect of ensuring equality and fairness in society. International conventions, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of… Continue Reading →

What will Botir Kodirov gain from the establishment of paternity?

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Bakhromjon Mukhammadiyev Image source: 1.Introduction Singer Botir Kodirov – son of the famous, late artist Sherali Juraev has attracted widespread public attention in social networks. Currently, a trial to establish the fact of paternity is underway in the Uchtepa… Continue Reading →

The Evolution of Administrative Litigation in Uzbekistan: From Soviet Rejection to Modern Reforms

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Khakimov Said-Islom-Bek, Nagoya university GSL student Image source: Introduction Administrative litigation in Uzbekistan generally refers to the review of government decisions to protect individuals’ rights. Since this litigation has played a significant role in Uzbekistan’s legal and political progress, this… Continue Reading →

Abdulakhatova vs Aloqabank: Guidelines for employers for an effective termination of an employment contract due to employee misconduct

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source: Khamida Abdulakhatova, an employee of “Aloqabank” in Namangan, was fired due to serving clients without adhering to the queue system, which is a violation of the internal labor regulations outlined in the company’s documents. Abdulakhatova… Continue Reading →

Calculation of compensation for the victims of the Dok-1 Max drug scandal in Uzbekistan 

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Bakhromjon Mukhammadiyev Image source: 1. Introduction  By January 5, 2024, 68 children died in Uzbekistan due to the use of the tainted medicine produced in India, and 16 children had suffered various degrees of medical injuries. This disaster has become… Continue Reading →

Why do businesses evade taxes? Analysis of judicial practice in Uzbekistan

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Khojiakbar Abdusamadov Image source: As Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “Taxes are what we pay for civilized society”. Uzbekistan also has a rich history of taxation. Since the time of the Arab conquest, taxes such as “zhuzya”, “hirozh”, “wa-zifa”, “zakot”… Continue Reading →

AI vs. Copyright: Navigating the Legal Maze of Generative AI Content Creation

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Farangiz Bakhtiyorova Image source: Introduction These days generative AI systems find widespread application not only in Uzbekistan but also globally across diverse professional domains. Generative AI is a set of “foundation models used in AI systems specifically intended to… Continue Reading →

Empowering NPOs: Overcoming Legal Challenges for Civil Society in Uzbekistan

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Farangiz Bakhtiyorova Image source: Introduction Non-government non-profit organizations (shortly known as NPOs) were officially recognized as such in Article 71 of the UN Charter. These organizations, whether working on a broad scale or locally, are instrumental in encouraging social… Continue Reading →

Can the principle of the active role of the court ensure genuine equality of the parties to administrative proceedings?

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Tolib Rakhmonov Image source: Introduction In 2023, the principle of the active role of the court replaced the principle of competitiveness and equality of the parties. Since the active role of the court is a new principle, there is a… Continue Reading →

Distinguishing the crime of fraud from the debt relationships

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Bakhromjon Mukhammadiyev Image source: 1. Introduction In practice, there are several difficulties in distinguishing the crime of fraud from debt relations. The crime of fraud is committed in various forms; one of them is committed under the guise of… Continue Reading →

How effective are Uzbekistan’s efforts on implementing an asset declaration system for public officials: is it a crucial tool or a “paper tiger”?

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Abdulaziz Janturaev Image source: Uzbekistan has made significant strides in recent years to combat corruption and promote transparency in the public sector. The National Strategy for 2023-2024 state program on combating corruption defines existing anti-corruption problems and priorities for… Continue Reading →

Charging Forward: Assessing Market Freedom and Electric Vehicle Import Challenges in Uzbekistan

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Abdulaziz Janturaev Image source: On the road to economic transformation, Uzbekistan seeks to create a free market to navigate the global transition to electric vehicles (EVs). As the country seeks to support local entrepreneurs, attract foreign investment, and promote… Continue Reading →

Enhancing Uzbekistan’s Readiness for International Commercial Arbitration: A Comprehensive Approach

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Abdulaziz Janturaev Image source: In the era of globalization and expanding cross-border trade, alternative dispute resolution, in particular international commercial arbitration (ICA), is becoming a crucial tool for resolving commercial disputes. While many developed countries, such as Singapore and… Continue Reading →

From Paper to Practice: Bridging the Gap in Accessibility Legislation for Persons with Disabilities in Uzbekistan

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Farangiz Bakhtiyorova Image source: 1. Introduction The World Health Organization reports that globally, about 1.3 billion people, constituting 16% of the world’s population, live with some form of disability, with 80% of them residing in developing countries. In Uzbekistan,… Continue Reading →

Interplay Between Tax and Competition Law vis-à-vis Yandex Go’s Pricing Strategies

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Abdulaziz Janturaev Image source: The recent developments surrounding Yandex Go’s operations in Uzbekistan, particularly the company’s shift in tax residency and subsequent adjustments to service fees, warrant a critical examination through the lenses of both tax and competition law…. Continue Reading →

To what extent is citizens’ access to constitutional justice ensured?

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Tolib Rakhmonov Image source: Introduction As in many democratic countries, state power in Uzbekistan is based on the principle of separation of powers into legislative, executive, and judicial. The judiciary, being independent, has a complex structure. The Constitutional Court… Continue Reading →

Problems surrounding the loan agreements and debt recovery in Uzbekistan

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Bakhromjon Mukhammadiyev Image source: 1. Introduction The analysis of statistical data on cases related to debt collection shows that the number of conflicts in this category in court practice is increasing year by year. For example, in 2020, the… Continue Reading →

Proposals regarding the development of the criminal punishment system for minors

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source: The formation of the juvenile justice system and the codification of legislation on the rights of the child are one of the main goals of the Development Strategy. In this regard, this blog post provides… Continue Reading →

  How to stop animal cruelty in Uzbekistan?

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Tolib Rakhmonov Image source: “Be kind to every kind. No just mankind”  Anthony Douglas Williams 1. Introduction Animal cruelty is one of the widespread issues that concern the whole society. The relevance of this topic lies in the fact… Continue Reading →

Why is Uzbekistan still not a member to the WTO?

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Mavjuda Ostanaboyeva Image source:  Joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) is gaining great importance in the economic development of the countries in the world. Because the accession to the WTO gives countries great opportunities in domestic and foreign trade,… Continue Reading →

Navigating Bureaucracy in Airline Ticket Sales

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Abdulaziz Janturaev Image source: The Senate vs. UzAirways Legal Dilemma At the core of this dispute lies a complex web of bureaucracy surrounding the purchase of airline tickets, raising important questions about legal compliance, consumer rights, and the Senate’s ability… Continue Reading →

Analysis of Judicial Practice on the Application of Principles of Administrative Procedures

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source: According to Law ‘On Administrative Procedures’ (from now on referred to as LAP), administrative acts as legal measure of administrative bodies should be legal. When these acts are illegal,  interested parties are entitled to file a… Continue Reading →

Establishing Family Courts in Uzbekistan: Challenges and Opportunities for Government and Society

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source: Family is the primary unit of society. Due to its significance, Uzbekistan’s New Constitution contains a whole chapter dedicated to families, children, and youth. Uzbekistan has a sizeable legislative base regulating family relations, guaranteeing spouses’… Continue Reading →

Prospects for the use of artificial intelligence in the judicial system of Uzbekistan

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Tolib Rakhmonov Image source:  Introduction The right to judicial protection is one of the fundamental human rights, which is enshrined at the constitutional and international levels. To ensure reliable protection of human rights and legitimate interests, the judicial system… Continue Reading →

How did Uzbekistan settle its borders with Kyrgyzstan?

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Azizbek Toyirov, Tashkent State University of Law In Central Asia, due to territorial disputes among neighbor republics, friendly relations between the countries have been worsened. This blogpost delves into the progressive steps taken by Uzbekistan, focusing on the pivotal role… Continue Reading →

Digest of Uzbekistan’s Practice in International Law (October-December 2023)

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Umirdinov Alisher, Nagoya University of Economics Image source: MFA In many countries, scholars and government officials regularly publish about their countries’ practices in international law. In the United States, the Office of the Legal Adviser publishes the ‘Annual Digest’ of… Continue Reading →

Should Uzbekistan implement jury trials in the criminal justice system?

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source: Deciding one’s fate is a difficult task. As humans are fallible, they tend to make mistakes. Judges are also humans, who make mistakes, which result in negative consequences. In this blog post, I will analyze and… Continue Reading →


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2023 was pivotal in public administration, signifying major governmental changes with a new constitution that reshaped governance frameworks and expanded the President’s mandate, indicating a shift in executive power. This digest focuses on state body reorganization, forming a more efficient government, and significant restructuring of the President’s administration office.

How effective is the cashback system from purchases?

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Tolib Rakhmonov Image source: Introduction Presidential Decree that was adopted in 2021, created an opportunity for individuals to return 1 % of the amount of their purchases made in retail, catering and household services facilities (cashback system). Two years… Continue Reading →

Does the digitization of prisons in Uzbekistan meet the requirements?

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Mavjuda Ostanaboyeva Image source: Due to the fact that the 21st century is considered to be the century of information technology, in recent years, processes such as digitization, implementation and application of technology have continued in almost all sectors… Continue Reading →

Should Uzbekistan allow dual citizenship?

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Shaxrizoda Mamasolieva Image In January-September 2020, the number of foreign citizens who came to Uzbekistan for tourist purposes was 1.4 million, and the number of Uzbek citizens who went abroad was 1.6 million. In particular, the number of Uzbek going… Continue Reading →

Legality of Taliban’s new Qosh Tepa canal from Amu Darya

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                                                                                                                             Shahriyor Abduboqiyev Image source:  Introduction.  Until now, Afghanistan has practically not used the Amu Darya due to long-lasting internal wars. In the 1980s, the Soviet Union distributed Amu Darya water, giving priority to the interests of the downstream Uzbekistan… Continue Reading →

Development of TK, TCEs, and GRs in Uzbekistan: the need for the adoption of the new law

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Shaxrizoda Mamasolieva Image source: WIPO In recent years, indigenous peoples, local communities, and governments have been demanding the protection of intellectual property forms of free traditional creativity and innovation considered public domain and a fee for any use under the… Continue Reading →

What are the benefits of “ex officio” for Uzbekistan and the concept of “parallel import”?

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Jamshid Turdibekov Image source: Protecting intellectual property rights at customs is so essential that it could prevent importing and exporting the infringed goods. Therefore, in today’s legal world, the regime of “ex officio” and the term “parallel import” is a… Continue Reading →

Women’s Rights in Uzbekistan: Legislative Problems and their Solutions

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Shaxrizoda Mamasolieva Image source: According to the USAID report on Uzbekistan’s efforts to protect women’s rights, although there are claims in the Constitution that equal rights are guaranteed, the opportunities for men and women are still not equal. Admittedly, women’s… Continue Reading →

Environmental pollution & corporate misconduct: is a solution possible?

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Bobir TurdievImage source: Environmental degradation in Uzbekistan Environmental issues are becoming the main discussion topic as global warming, and climate change are transforming lives and landscapes worldwide. Still, the issue is a top discussion topic on the global agenda,… Continue Reading →

How to Address the Students Housing Crisis in Uzbekistan?

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Abdulaziz JanturayevImage source: Many university students in Uzbekistan who are away from home for their studies rely on the private residential sector for housing. This may be some students’ first actual experience living independently. Students’ quality of life and… Continue Reading →

Legal challenges of copyright protection in Uzbekistan

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Jamshid Turdibekov Image source: Although the legal framework of Uzbekistan on intellectual property consists of eight laws and over ten legal acts ( source ), there are several shortcomings and passiveness in court practice, particularly in the field of copyright laws…. Continue Reading →

Constitutionality of school textbooks rentals

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                                                                                                    Shahriyor Abdubakiev Image source: Chapter IX, Article 41 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan says that the state guarantees free general education to the citizens of Uzbekistan. However, it is no secret that it takes money to… Continue Reading →

Uzbek Ministry of Labor Goes Global

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                                                         Alisher Umirdinov and Khasanboy Rakhimberganov Image source: Uzbekistan is desperate to export its potential overseas, and one of those is the country’s excess workforce. With almost 35.5 million population, Uzbekistan is the most populated state in Central Asia, and one… Continue Reading →

How do civil courts decide ‘disproportionateness’ of penalties? 

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Boburkhon Badriddinov Image source: Introduction One of the ways to ensure the fulfillment of the obligation provided for in civil law relations is a penalty. According to Roman jurists, a penalty is a conditional agreement between the parties that… Continue Reading →

Perspective of Islamic Financing in Uzbekistan: Content And Comparison

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Mironshoh Murodullayev Image source: In his speech, dated 29 December 2021, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized the need for the initial implementation of an Islamic financing system over the State financial system while the country’s other neighbors, including Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan,… Continue Reading →

Unending environmental violations of Uzbekistan: real causes and alternative solutions

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Written by Sarvarbek Abdullaev Image source: In recent years, the development of urbanization and the construction of new objects seem to have turned into a struggle against nature. Undoubtedly, the construction of social infrastructure and new buildings will always be relevant,… Continue Reading →

“Open Skies” Policy and Uzbekistan: Legal Analysis

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                                                                                                  Image source: Shakhriyor Abdubakiev.  Currently, the “open skies” policy is in force at airports located in many countries of the world.  What is the position of Uzbekistan in this regard?  What can be observed from the legal policy of our government… Continue Reading →

Electing governors. Potential legal problems, solutions and benefits of it

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Sarvarbek Abdullaev Image source:   President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who came to power in 2016, is committed to strengthen the role of governors in Uzbekistan. Before that, their influence was decreasing year by year, but now they have are being given more power. This, of course,… Continue Reading →

Did Uzbekistan Draw Proper Conclusion from Romak Case in Drafting its BITs: Legal Analysis of 2017 Uzbekistan-Turkey BIT

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Mironshoh Murodilloev Image source: Background of the problem Sometimes drafters make errors making legal treaty to be enormous opening a gate to future disputes between investors and the host state. One of such errors leading to subjective ambiguous interpretation… Continue Reading →

Pressure on journalists. Why is it essential to establish liability for this?

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Sarvarbek Abdullaev Image source: Uzbekistan has made significant progress in speech freedom over the past 5-6 years. Since Shavkat Mirziyoyev became the President, journalists and bloggers have become more active. This and similar efforts resulted in Uzbekistan going up… Continue Reading →

”Initiative budget”. Is this a perfect project?

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By Sarvarbek Abdullaev Image source: “Initiative budget” is one of the best projects of recent years in Uzbekistan. It is solving the problems that have plagued the population for several years and reawakening their hope for reforms. The article… Continue Reading →

Labor Law. Why It does not Work in Practice? 

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Sarvarbek Abdullaev Image source:  In Portugal it is not allowed for employers to disturb their employees by calling them on the phone and sending text messages after work hours. In Great Britain, the transition to a four-day work-week has begun.  However, in our… Continue Reading →

Main problems of securities market law in Uzbekistan

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Jamshid TurdibekovImage source: Introduction In the spring of 1991, the Government of Uzbekistan established the first stock exchange in the modern history of the Republic of Uzbekistan. So far, regardless of its improvement, in my view, there are still… Continue Reading →

Does competition law work in civil aviation services in Uzbekistan?

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Shakhriyor Abdubakiev Image source: Uzbekistan’s airline industry has been widely criticized for its high prices and poor service. This results from the long-continued market monopoly of the Uzbekistan Airways company, which is a state-owned enterprise established in 1992. But… Continue Reading →

Drone control in Uzbekistan: isn’t it time to transform drones from criminal weapons into household appliances?

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                                               Shahriyor Abduboqiev Image source:     Introduction        We know that in our time, drones, that is unmanned aerial vehicles have become a driver of widespread technology and innovation in many countries around the world.  In the age of science and technology and… Continue Reading →


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by Ammar YounasImage source: www.industriall-union.orgJanuary 6, 2022 The Li Tianyi rape case is one of the famous cases of criminal law in China. Li was the son of a famous singer with the rank of general in the People’s Liberation… Continue Reading →

How can the independence of the judiciary be achieved in Uzbekistan?

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by Shaxrizoda MamasoliyevaImage source: www.lawlex.orgDecember 20, 2021 According to the International Association for the Independence of the Judiciary and World Peace Mt. Scopus, the constitutional aspects of the independence of the judiciary consist of at least five aspects: (1) non-political appointments… Continue Reading →


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by Mironshokh MurodilloevImage source: journalsofindia.comDecember 18,2021 Regardless of the fact that IIAs have been adopted almost universally, there is no global investment treaty or rule of customary international law that would obligate States to grant identical rights to investors irrespective… Continue Reading →

A review of amendments to the Law “On Bank Secrecy”: challenges and issues

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by Laylo QarshiboyevaImage source: November 26, 2021 The institution of banking secrecy is an integral part of banking law, which ensures a stable and robust relationship between banks and the customer. On June 26, 2021, the Oliy Majlis (Parliament… Continue Reading →

Looking at the four years of the Business Ombudsman activity: has the expected result been achieved?

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by Shaxrizoda Mamasoliyeva Image source: November 21, 2021  In the international business ranking “Doing Business 2020” Uzbekistan improved its position from 76 th to seventh place and ranked 69 th among 190 economies measured in the ranking. The Republic… Continue Reading →

Regulation of airspace usage for commercial and experimental purposes in Uzbekistan

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by Shakhriyor Abdubakiyev and Nilufarkhon Mahkmudova Image source: 20, 2021 Introduction While it has been decades since states started using the space for scientific, civil, and military purposes, private actors are also coming into the game nowadays.  It’s no… Continue Reading →

Judicial practice of Uzbek courts on moral damages caused by an illegal conviction

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by Jamshidbek TurdibekovImage source: www.kun.uzNovember 19. 2021 1. Introduction As for the legal nature of moral damage, despite it being an integral part of Civil Law, to this day it remains one of the controversial concepts that are difficult to… Continue Reading →

Risks to Uzbek FDIs and Their Legal Protection under Taliban Forces

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by Mironshokh MurodilloevImage source: November 18, 2021 Afghanistan is crucial for investment goals with weighty natural resources estimating 3 billion USD. So far, some foreign states and companies made investments to develop certain fields of the Afghan economy and… Continue Reading →

Destiny of Afghan Embassies After the Collapse of the Republic System

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                 by Barakat Azimi Hedoyatulloh Image source: November 17, 2021 The current situation has left many Afghan embassies in an extreme condition of uncertainty. In early September 2021, the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan right after two decades of… Continue Reading →

Handling Personal Data in “New Uzbekistan” of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev

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by Ammar YounasImage source: November 15, 2021 Earlier this month, the newly re-elected President of Uzbekistan Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoyev delivered an inauguration speech titled on the presidential website as, “We will resolutely continue the course of democratic reforms based… Continue Reading →

Will the Taliban respect treaties and other international obligations considered by the previous Afghan government?

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by Khushnazar Juraev Image source: November 5, 2021 Due to the change of government in Afghanistan, a number of legal questions arose among scholars and lawyers active in the international sphere. These concerns are related to government recognition and… Continue Reading →

Does the electoral legislation of Uzbekistan meet international standards? Analysis and proposals

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by Shaxrizoda MamasoliyevaImage source: www.osce.orgOctober 27, 2021 Introduction Presidential elections, one of the most important political processes in Uzbekistan, will be held in the coming days. The international community has been paying close attention to this political process. According to… Continue Reading →

New Law on Religious Freedom: Its Analysis and the Response of International Law

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by Khushnazar Jurayev Image source: October 3, 2021 A new Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations was adopted on July 5, 2021, in Uzbekistan. It has replaced the previous Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations, which… Continue Reading →

Who is harmed by new Draft of advertisement law: aim and solution

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by Mironshoh Murodullaev Ikrom ugliImage source: September 18, 2021 There has been no concern in Uzbekistan until the adoption of the new version of the draft law “On Advertising” by the majority of deputies in the first reading of… Continue Reading →

Analysis of the new policy of Uzbekistan in the development of international commercial arbitration

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by Shaxrizoda MamasoliyevaImage source: 18, 2021 As a result of lengthy discussions, the Law On International Commercial Arbitration(ICA) was adopted on February 16, 2021. The Legislative Chamber approved this document on August 5, 2020, and the Senate on September… Continue Reading →

“Land can only be sold or leased through an auction”: issues of a new presidential decree on land allocation

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by  Kholiskhon UmarovaSource of picture: www.kun.uzAugust 31, 2021 Introduction On June 8, 2021, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree “On measures to ensure equality and transparency in land relations, reliable protection of rights to land and their transformation into market… Continue Reading →

Negative impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on fair competition in Uzbek domestic markets

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by Jamshid TurdibekovAugust 18, 2021Image source: Introduction Uzbekistan has been paying significant attention to investment policy for the last years to accumulate economic growth. According to the results of the investment activity of Uzbekistan for January-September 2020 by the… Continue Reading →

The regulatory policy of cryptocurrencies in Uzbekistan

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Shakhriyor Tojiboev July 12, 2021 Image source: Introduction Cryptocurrency is a digital currency in which transactions are verified and records maintained by a decentralized system using cryptography, rather than by a centralized authority. It is a form of payment… Continue Reading →

Entrepreneurship Code: pros and cons of codification of business legislation

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                                                                       Kubaeva Ismigul Farhod qizi                                                                         July 5, 2021                                                                         Image Background Entrepreneurship development is one of the most critical factors for economic growth, raising an employment rate and poverty reduction. In order to radically reduce state interference into… Continue Reading →

Data protection in Uzbekistan: challenges and opportunities

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Written by: Shaxrizoda MamasoliyevaImage source: www. getsix-services.euJune 14, 2021  The official website of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has published a list of governments that have enacted laws to protect personal data. According to it, as… Continue Reading →

Landlord versus Investor of Akay City: in whose favor can the problem be solved?

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Written by: Mironshokh Murodilloev and Khushnazar JuraevImage source: Kun.uzJune 1, 2021 Introduction Today, property disputes can be found at every step in Uzbekistan. One such example can be a single apartment building near the Akay City apartment complex in the… Continue Reading →

Crisis of advocacy institution in Uzbekistan: the issues and the reasons

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                         Written by: Madina Rabbimova and Laylo QarshiboyevaImage source: www.depositphotos.comMay 31, 2021                                                                                                                  In recent years, Uzbekistan has made significant efforts to strengthen the role and importance of advocates and created the necessary legal framework for their professional activity…. Continue Reading →

Introduction of Sukuk in Uzbekistan: is the national legislation ready to introduce sharia-compliant bond-like instruments?

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Madina AbdullaevaImage source:  www.nairametrics.comMay 31, 2021 Purpose of blogpost Modern Islamic finance began to attract more attention after the global financial crisis that began in 2008, with Islamic finance offering an alternative way of doing business. One of the financial… Continue Reading →

Application of Tax Privileges for Foreign Investors: Practice and Analysis

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Written by Zarifa MamadaliyevaMay 14, 2021Image source: www. Although Uzbekistan has adopted several normative-legal acts on tax privileges for investors, their implementation is not always smooth, which leads to investment disputes between investors and the state. In this blog… Continue Reading →

Intellectual Property Policy in the Process of Accession to the World Trade Organization: TRIPS Agreement and National Legislation of Uzbekistan

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Dr. Abdumumin Yuldashov Senior lecture, PhD in Law at the Tashkent State University of Law, Director CMO, Young member WIPO ADR center Image source: Business Standard April 19, 2021 Introduction Today, intellectual property (IP), along with representing each country to… Continue Reading →

In defense of fair competition in economy: how to protect legislation from lobbying and monopoly?

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Umid Gafurov April 9, 2021 Image source: Pinterest Introduction In order to develop competition in the economy, the Government of Uzbekistan adopted a number of important decrees and resolutions. While the case of UzAvtoMotors, has received much public attention due… Continue Reading →

Uzbekistan’s policy on state recognition: analysis

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Written by Nilufarkhon Makhmudova, April 1, 2021 Image source: Introduction There is an ongoing controversy as to whether a newly formed state needs recognition from the international community or not. There are two major theories on state creation: declarative… Continue Reading →

The limits of freedom of speech in Uzbekistan under Covid-19

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Written by Sayyora Narzullayeva, March 26, 2021 Image source: Nature of the problem This blog post explores legal issues surrounding freedom of expression in Uzbekistan. Primarily, it explores to what extent the state may restrict bloggers and online newspapers’… Continue Reading →

Suggestions and comments on the draft Civil Code of Uzbekistan: Islamic finance

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   Image source: Professor Omonboy Okyulov, Honored Lawyer of Uzbekistan                                                         Translator: Laylo Qarshiboyeva As an introduction, it should be noted that Uzbekistan’s distinguished lawyer, Omonboy Okyulov published his views that the draft Civil Code of Uzbekistan should include… Continue Reading →

My5 v. AIMC&CRA: available private and public law remedies

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Written by Laylo Qarshiboyeva, March 10, 2021 Image source: Was the suspension of the series “Hukmdor Usmon” aired by My5 TV channel at the request of the Agency for Information and Mass Communications and the Committee for Religious Affairs?… Continue Reading →

Law on the rights of persons with disabilities came into force: a successful transformation of international treaty or just another lip service to international society?

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Image source: Shakhriyor Tojiboev March 2, 2021 Introduction             Currently, more than 700,000 people with disabilities live in Uzbekistan, 100.000 of them being children under the age of 16. In order to ensure their rights the Law “On the Rights… Continue Reading →

Presidential annual address to the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) in Uzbekistan: main legal issues for the year 2021

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Written by Nilufar Makhmudova February 26, 2021 Image source: Introduction In December of 2017, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, made an address to the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) for the first time in the country’s history…. Continue Reading →

The Introduction of Islamic Finance in Banks of Uzbekistan and the Legal Changes Ahead

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Written by Laylo Qarshiboyeva, February 12, 2021 Image source: Today, many financiers say that Islamic finance plays an important role in the development of the growth of the national economy, increasing the investment attractiveness of Uzbekistan. According to the… Continue Reading →

Uzbekistan’s trade policy is in crossroads: which one comes first, WTO, EAEU, new EU Partnership and Cooperation Agreement or Uz-Kor FTA?

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Written by Alisher Umirdinov Associate professor, Nagoya University of Economics December 11, 2020 Uzbekistan and WTO Accession      Uzbekistan resumed accession talks to WTO in the early 2020 and relaunched Working Party meetings after 15 years of dormancy. Despite COVID-19,… Continue Reading →

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