Uzbekistan Law Blog

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Does the digitization of prisons in Uzbekistan meet the requirements?

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Mavjuda Ostanaboyeva Image source: Due to the fact that the 21st century is considered to be the century of information technology, in recent years, processes such as digitization, implementation and application of technology have continued in almost all sectors… Continue Reading →

Should Uzbekistan allow dual citizenship?

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Shaxrizoda Mamasolieva Image In January-September 2020, the number of foreign citizens who came to Uzbekistan for tourist purposes was 1.4 million, and the number of Uzbek citizens who went abroad was 1.6 million. In particular, the number of Uzbek going… Continue Reading →

Legality of Taliban’s new Qosh Tepa canal from Amu Darya

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                                                                                                                             Shahriyor Abduboqiyev Image source:  Introduction.  Until now, Afghanistan has practically not used the Amu Darya due to long-lasting internal wars. In the 1980s, the Soviet Union distributed Amu Darya water, giving priority to the interests of the downstream Uzbekistan… Continue Reading →

Development of TK, TCEs, and GRs in Uzbekistan: the need for the adoption of the new law

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Shaxrizoda Mamasolieva Image source: WIPO In recent years, indigenous peoples, local communities, and governments have been demanding the protection of intellectual property forms of free traditional creativity and innovation considered public domain and a fee for any use under the… Continue Reading →

What are the benefits of “ex officio” for Uzbekistan and the concept of “parallel import”?

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Jamshid Turdibekov Image source: Protecting intellectual property rights at customs is so essential that it could prevent importing and exporting the infringed goods. Therefore, in today’s legal world, the regime of “ex officio” and the term “parallel import” is a… Continue Reading →

Women’s Rights in Uzbekistan: Legislative Problems and their Solutions

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Shaxrizoda Mamasolieva Image source: According to the USAID report on Uzbekistan’s efforts to protect women’s rights, although there are claims in the Constitution that equal rights are guaranteed, the opportunities for men and women are still not equal. Admittedly, women’s… Continue Reading →

Environmental pollution & corporate misconduct: is a solution possible?

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Bobir TurdievImage source: Environmental degradation in Uzbekistan Environmental issues are becoming the main discussion topic as global warming, and climate change are transforming lives and landscapes worldwide. Still, the issue is a top discussion topic on the global agenda,… Continue Reading →

How to Address the Students Housing Crisis in Uzbekistan?

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Abdulaziz JanturayevImage source: Many university students in Uzbekistan who are away from home for their studies rely on the private residential sector for housing. This may be some students’ first actual experience living independently. Students’ quality of life and… Continue Reading →

Legal challenges of copyright protection in Uzbekistan

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Jamshid Turdibekov Image source: Although the legal framework of Uzbekistan on intellectual property consists of eight laws and over ten legal acts ( source ), there are several shortcomings and passiveness in court practice, particularly in the field of copyright laws…. Continue Reading →

Constitutionality of school textbooks rentals

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                                                                                                    Shahriyor Abdubakiev Image source: Chapter IX, Article 41 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan says that the state guarantees free general education to the citizens of Uzbekistan. However, it is no secret that it takes money to… Continue Reading →

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