Uzbekistan Law Blog

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Why is Uzbekistan still not a member to the WTO?

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Mavjuda Ostanaboyeva Image source:  Joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) is gaining great importance in the economic development of the countries in the world. Because the accession to the WTO gives countries great opportunities in domestic and foreign trade,… Continue Reading →

Navigating Bureaucracy in Airline Ticket Sales

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Abdulaziz Janturaev Image source: The Senate vs. UzAirways Legal Dilemma At the core of this dispute lies a complex web of bureaucracy surrounding the purchase of airline tickets, raising important questions about legal compliance, consumer rights, and the Senate’s ability… Continue Reading →

Analysis of Judicial Practice on the Application of Principles of Administrative Procedures

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source: According to Law ‘On Administrative Procedures’ (from now on referred to as LAP), administrative acts as legal measure of administrative bodies should be legal. When these acts are illegal,  interested parties are entitled to file a… Continue Reading →

Establishing Family Courts in Uzbekistan: Challenges and Opportunities for Government and Society

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source: Family is the primary unit of society. Due to its significance, Uzbekistan’s New Constitution contains a whole chapter dedicated to families, children, and youth. Uzbekistan has a sizeable legislative base regulating family relations, guaranteeing spouses’… Continue Reading →

Prospects for the use of artificial intelligence in the judicial system of Uzbekistan

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Tolib Rakhmonov Image source:  Introduction The right to judicial protection is one of the fundamental human rights, which is enshrined at the constitutional and international levels. To ensure reliable protection of human rights and legitimate interests, the judicial system… Continue Reading →

How did Uzbekistan settle its borders with Kyrgyzstan?

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Azizbek Toyirov, Tashkent State University of Law In Central Asia, due to territorial disputes among neighbor republics, friendly relations between the countries have been worsened. This blogpost delves into the progressive steps taken by Uzbekistan, focusing on the pivotal role… Continue Reading →

Digest of Uzbekistan’s Practice in International Law (October-December 2023)

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Umirdinov Alisher, Nagoya University of Economics Image source: MFA In many countries, scholars and government officials regularly publish about their countries’ practices in international law. In the United States, the Office of the Legal Adviser publishes the ‘Annual Digest’ of… Continue Reading →

Should Uzbekistan implement jury trials in the criminal justice system?

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source: Deciding one’s fate is a difficult task. As humans are fallible, they tend to make mistakes. Judges are also humans, who make mistakes, which result in negative consequences. In this blog post, I will analyze and… Continue Reading →


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2023 was pivotal in public administration, signifying major governmental changes with a new constitution that reshaped governance frameworks and expanded the President’s mandate, indicating a shift in executive power. This digest focuses on state body reorganization, forming a more efficient government, and significant restructuring of the President’s administration office.

How effective is the cashback system from purchases?

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Tolib Rakhmonov Image source: Introduction Presidential Decree that was adopted in 2021, created an opportunity for individuals to return 1 % of the amount of their purchases made in retail, catering and household services facilities (cashback system). Two years… Continue Reading →

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