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Main problems of securities market law in Uzbekistan

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Jamshid TurdibekovImage source: Introduction In the spring of 1991, the Government of Uzbekistan established the first stock exchange in the modern history of the Republic of Uzbekistan. So far, regardless of its improvement, in my view, there are still… Continue Reading →

Does competition law work in civil aviation services in Uzbekistan?

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Shakhriyor Abdubakiev Image source: Uzbekistan’s airline industry has been widely criticized for its high prices and poor service. This results from the long-continued market monopoly of the Uzbekistan Airways company, which is a state-owned enterprise established in 1992. But… Continue Reading →

Drone control in Uzbekistan: isn’t it time to transform drones from criminal weapons into household appliances?

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                                               Shahriyor Abduboqiev Image source:     Introduction        We know that in our time, drones, that is unmanned aerial vehicles have become a driver of widespread technology and innovation in many countries around the world.  In the age of science and technology and… Continue Reading →


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by Ammar YounasImage source: www.industriall-union.orgJanuary 6, 2022 The Li Tianyi rape case is one of the famous cases of criminal law in China. Li was the son of a famous singer with the rank of general in the People’s Liberation… Continue Reading →

How can the independence of the judiciary be achieved in Uzbekistan?

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by Shaxrizoda MamasoliyevaImage source: www.lawlex.orgDecember 20, 2021 According to the International Association for the Independence of the Judiciary and World Peace Mt. Scopus, the constitutional aspects of the independence of the judiciary consist of at least five aspects: (1) non-political appointments… Continue Reading →


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by Mironshokh MurodilloevImage source: journalsofindia.comDecember 18,2021 Regardless of the fact that IIAs have been adopted almost universally, there is no global investment treaty or rule of customary international law that would obligate States to grant identical rights to investors irrespective… Continue Reading →

A review of amendments to the Law “On Bank Secrecy”: challenges and issues

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by Laylo QarshiboyevaImage source: November 26, 2021 The institution of banking secrecy is an integral part of banking law, which ensures a stable and robust relationship between banks and the customer. On June 26, 2021, the Oliy Majlis (Parliament… Continue Reading →

Looking at the four years of the Business Ombudsman activity: has the expected result been achieved?

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by Shaxrizoda Mamasoliyeva Image source: November 21, 2021  In the international business ranking “Doing Business 2020” Uzbekistan improved its position from 76 th to seventh place and ranked 69 th among 190 economies measured in the ranking. The Republic… Continue Reading →

Regulation of airspace usage for commercial and experimental purposes in Uzbekistan

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by Shakhriyor Abdubakiyev and Nilufarkhon Mahkmudova Image source: 20, 2021 Introduction While it has been decades since states started using the space for scientific, civil, and military purposes, private actors are also coming into the game nowadays.  It’s no… Continue Reading →

Judicial practice of Uzbek courts on moral damages caused by an illegal conviction

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by Jamshidbek TurdibekovImage source: www.kun.uzNovember 19. 2021 1. Introduction As for the legal nature of moral damage, despite it being an integral part of Civil Law, to this day it remains one of the controversial concepts that are difficult to… Continue Reading →

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