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The limits of freedom of speech in Uzbekistan under Covid-19

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Written by Sayyora Narzullayeva, March 26, 2021 Image source: Nature of the problem This blog post explores legal issues surrounding freedom of expression in Uzbekistan. Primarily, it explores to what extent the state may restrict bloggers and online newspapers’… Continue Reading →

Suggestions and comments on the draft Civil Code of Uzbekistan: Islamic finance

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   Image source: Professor Omonboy Okyulov, Honored Lawyer of Uzbekistan                                                         Translator: Laylo Qarshiboyeva As an introduction, it should be noted that Uzbekistan’s distinguished lawyer, Omonboy Okyulov published his views that the draft Civil Code of Uzbekistan should include… Continue Reading →

My5 v. AIMC&CRA: available private and public law remedies

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Written by Laylo Qarshiboyeva, March 10, 2021 Image source: Was the suspension of the series “Hukmdor Usmon” aired by My5 TV channel at the request of the Agency for Information and Mass Communications and the Committee for Religious Affairs?… Continue Reading →

Law on the rights of persons with disabilities came into force: a successful transformation of international treaty or just another lip service to international society?

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Image source: Shakhriyor Tojiboev March 2, 2021 Introduction             Currently, more than 700,000 people with disabilities live in Uzbekistan, 100.000 of them being children under the age of 16. In order to ensure their rights the Law “On the Rights… Continue Reading →

Presidential annual address to the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) in Uzbekistan: main legal issues for the year 2021

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Written by Nilufar Makhmudova February 26, 2021 Image source: Introduction In December of 2017, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, made an address to the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) for the first time in the country’s history…. Continue Reading →

Draft Law on Freedom of Conscience: ~religious clothes and private religious education~

Image source: Written by Madina Abdullayeva                                                                                      February 23, 2021 Although Uzbekistan adopted the Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations(hereafter, “Law”) in 1998, the Law did not adequately guarantee freedom of conscience. The U.S. Commission on International… Continue Reading →

The Introduction of Islamic Finance in Banks of Uzbekistan and the Legal Changes Ahead

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Written by Laylo Qarshiboyeva, February 12, 2021 Image source: Today, many financiers say that Islamic finance plays an important role in the development of the growth of the national economy, increasing the investment attractiveness of Uzbekistan. According to the… Continue Reading →

Towards the WTO: Is the Trademark Law of Uzbekistan in conformity with the TRIPS Agreement?

Image source: Lawyer Monthly Written by Kamronbek Turabekov January 22, 2021 Introduction Uzbekistan has recently been actively negotiating to access various economic blocs, including the WTO. To join the WTO, it is necessary to bring the national legislation in line… Continue Reading →

The law on freedom of conscience is under discussion: will there be a long-awaited change or will it be the same again?

Source of picture: Written by Laylo Qarshiboyeva, January 15, 2021 Nature of the problem In the end of August 2020, a new draft law on amendments and additions to the Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations (Law)… Continue Reading →

What is forced labor under Uzbekistan’s labor law?

Source of picture: Written by Shaxrizoda Mamasoliyeva, January 15, 2021 Introduction Have you ever had the feeling like going home without being paid for your hard work all day? Or working under a whip every day? Maybe, you have… Continue Reading →

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