Month August 2024

New administrative liabilities by Uzbek Parliament in 2024

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Tolib Rakhmonov Image source: This blog post will explore the recent changes in administrative liability in Uzbekistan, focusing on several key issues. Specifically, it will delve into the newly introduced regulations regarding the distribution of food, clothing, and other… Continue Reading →

Issues of improving the institution of parliamentary investigation in Uzbekistan

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Tolib Rakhmonov Image source: Introduction Within the framework of separation of powers, Parliament plays a significant role in regulating the most important public relations. The Oliy Majlis (Parliament), in addition to passing laws, also monitors their implementation. The procedure… Continue Reading →

Exploring the Boundaries of Sexual Harassment in Judicial Practice

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source:  Sexual harassment is a form of unwanted behavior that is usually targeted towards women, violating their rights and causing feelings of distress, fear, humiliation, or offense. It wasn’t until the enactment of LRU-829 in 2023… Continue Reading →

Should Uzbekistan adopt the Code of Private International Law?

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Tolib Rakhmonov Image source: 1. Introduction The modern world is rapidly developing, and it is impossible to imagine it without global integration. Uzbekistan, like many other countries, seeks to establish mutually beneficial economic relationships with developed countries. In a… Continue Reading →

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