Month July 2024

Abdulakhatova vs Aloqabank: Guidelines for employers for an effective termination of an employment contract due to employee misconduct

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Komron Tursunmurodov Image source: Khamida Abdulakhatova, an employee of “Aloqabank” in Namangan, was fired due to serving clients without adhering to the queue system, which is a violation of the internal labor regulations outlined in the company’s documents. Abdulakhatova… Continue Reading →

Calculation of compensation for the victims of the Dok-1 Max drug scandal in Uzbekistan 

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Bakhromjon Mukhammadiyev Image source: 1. Introduction  By January 5, 2024, 68 children died in Uzbekistan due to the use of the tainted medicine produced in India, and 16 children had suffered various degrees of medical injuries. This disaster has become… Continue Reading →

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